Window is currently accepting proposals for 2013


Proposals for Window

We respond to all proposals, but both our Onsite and Online programmes have a limited number of slots. If you would like more information about Window, please don't hesitate to contact us.

In your proposal please include all information on the checklist below:

1) Your name, email address, mobile phone number.
2) Preferred dates for your show.
3) Your proposed show, and how it relates to your practice.
4) Whether your proposed show is Online / Onsite / or both.
5) C.V.
6) Images or other documentation of your work. (JPEG or PDF format is great for images, and for video and audio works we prefer links to websites where we can watch / listen to the work.)

Aim to keep your proposal clear, succinct, and as specific as possible.

For projects seeking to install in the foyer/outside of Window gallery itself, please allow appropriate timeframes for University permission processes.

Successful applications are required to complete an installation diagram form used to inform the Library one month before the opening date.

Disclaimer: Please refrain from submitting proposals sent to multiple galleries.


Email proposals to Henry Babbage (, Rebecca Boswell ( and Henry Davidson (

We prefer to receive proposals via email, but if necessary a hard copy can be delivered in person to:

Level 9
Fisher Building
18 Waterloo Quadrant, Auckland